Nutrition has the power to heal
and prevent disease.

The integration of medicine and nutrition can enhance the effectiveness of patient care and support long-lasting health outcomes.


Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for the medical professional aims to enhance medical practitioners’ knowledge of nutrition as it relates to their specialties. Topics include specific nutrient-drug interactions, nutrient supplementation, and foods of both medical importance and detriment. Through this education, doctors can confidently include basic food and nutrition recommendations as part of their prescriptions, heighten the effectiveness of certain medications, and provide their patients with a higher sense of agency.

Contact me to learn more.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
~ Hippocrates


Medical nutrition therapy can aid in the treatment of:

Leaky Gut, CIBO and IBS

Colitis and Ulcerative Colitis


Reproductive Health Concerns

Heart Disease


Dermatological Conditions



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